Who we are
e-Medine is a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to the promotion of the political and cultural convergence of the Mediterranean countries in the European motherland with the idea of the European citizenship. It aims to make people understand the importance of a European identity and integration in all its social, economic and cultural aspects both to individual citizens and to social actors, through awareness raising campaigns, round tables and the dissemination of best practices.
Its specific goals include:
• Promotion of a culture focused on European citizenship and on the integration into a common European identity;
• Support citizens and involve policy makers in the formulation of concrete solutions to problems of public interest;
• Diffusion of good practices to fight corruption and unemployment;
• Transfer of innovative ideas aiming at the sustainable development of the territory and at citizens’ empowerment;
• Enhancement of digital integration.
e-Medine aims at educating and training young people to become critical citizens, to feel to all intents and purposes European citizens with a well-defined European identity, so to reach social inclusion through activities such as volunteering, intercultural exchanges and awareness campaigns to improve the sense of belonging to European citizenship.
Address: via Mario Sangiorgi, 37
95129 Catania, Sicily, Italy
Web Adress: https://www.e-medine.org/
Telephone: +39 095 7463250
Email Address: [email protected]”
Eurosuccess Consulting (EUROSC) is a Consulting & Training organization active in the field of project management, training & consulting services. Through a dynamic team of young scientists, Eurosuccess provides a comprehensive package of services addressing the needs of various target groups and organizations, regarding their lifelong learning opportunities, in Cyprus and abroad. The organisation offers a variety of services to the Public, as well as the Private sector of Cyprus. It also actively participates in international schemes, through a well-established network of partners abroad, based on the intense past experience of its founder. Eurosuccess is a member of the: European Forum of Vocational Education and Training (EfVET), International Trade Council, European Prison Education Association (EPEA), European Policy Network on Key Competences in School Education (KeyCoNet Network), Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCCI), and Cyprus Employers and Industrialists Federation and Nicosia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (NCCI). Furthermore, Eurosuccess is an accredited VET Center from the Human Resource Development Authority of Cyprus, the relevant public authority as regards to training and education.
Address: 3 Makrasykas, Karyatides Business Centre (KBC), Office 202, 2034 Strovolos, Nicosia, CY-CYPRUS
Web Address: www.eurosc.eu
Telephone: +357 22420110
Fax: +357 22518248
21.YY Eğitimciler Derneği
21st Century Educators Association is a Turkish non-governmental organization, founded by educators and volunteers in 2019, that operates especially in the field of education and training
The Mission: To provide the exchange of innovative educational methods and experiences; training young people, adults ,teachers and leaders committed to education, human rights, democracy and inclusion.
The Vision: To become a leading social educational organisation at national and international level.
The Values of the association: Inclusion,Integrity,Inspiration,Innovation,Impact
The main aim of the association is to provide the exchange of innovative educational methods and experiences; training young people, parents, adults ,teachers and leaders committed to education; contribute to the process of transformation and improvement of the European teaching by providing professional competencies, personal skills development such as trust, responsibility and taking decisions.
21st Century Educators Association has a wide network of university entities,public bodies, non-governmental organizations ,companies, training centers, as well as intellectuals, professionals and volunteers who contribute their ideas and experiences for the change and improvement of the society.
Address:Hasan Efendi Ramazan Paşa Mah. Doğu Gazi Blv. No:28/72 Efeler Aydın,Turkey
Web Address: http://21yyegitimder.org.tr/
e-Mail: [email protected]
“Centrul Pentru Promovarea Invatarii Permanente – CPIP is a Romanian NGO that works in the area of Lifelong Learning since 2005. CPIP is committed to mainstreaming the principle of equal opportunities for all citizens in the public policies and associated practices, as an integral part of democratization and the creation of an open society. CPIP is working in multicultural contexts with partners from all-over Europe.
CPIP promotes the culture of “lifelong learning” through the active involvement of community members in developing a coherent implementation strategy of the concept and practice of lifelong learning.
The vision of CPIP is a European one. Education overcomes the borders of scholarly age and training is a lifestyle that goes beyond the walls of a specialized institution. With this in mind, the CPIP team promotes a fundamental concept for our existence as specialists active in European construction: lifelong learning.
The mission of CPIP is to bring forward the concept of lifelong learning and make it accessible to the communities with which we come into contact.
Address: Sarmisegetusa Square No. 8, Timisoara, Romania
Web Address: www.cpip.ro
Telephone: +4 0722 709 292
Academy of Entrepreneurship (AKEP)
The Academy of Entrepreneurship (AKEP) is a nonprofit organization founded in 2007 by the historical Educational Association of Athens “HFAISTOS“. AKEP is a non-formal training and research organisation that works as a training hub of private and public initiatives related to entrepreneurship skills development for youth, long term unemployed, NEETs, VET trainers, teachers, adult trainers, public officials, artists etc., contributing though its activities to the realisation of SDGs (agenda 2030). Since 2010, AKEP has successfully implemented more than 35 European projects in the fields of Youth, VET and Adult learning through Innovation and Exchange of Good Practices projects. In order to achieve greater impact, AKEP has formed partnerships with European Networks, Institutions, Public Authorities and other NGOs. Its network consists of more than 100 strategic partners worldwide. In addition, AKEP is one of the Intermediary Organizations in Greece for the ’Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs’ EU programme, giving the opportunity to new or aspiring entrepreneurs to improve their business model next to experienced SME owners and expand their network via cross border exchanges.
AKEP’s vision is the achievement of social progress through the continuous contribution of active citizens, together with the cultivation and refinement of the essential entrepreneurial attitude.
Address: Tsiller 61, 11144 Athens, Greece
Web address: www.akep.eu
E-mail address: [email protected]
Institute for Erasmus Peace Solutions
The Institute for Erasmus Peace Solutions supports the Erasmus Project and Erasmus Peace Projects.
The Institute for Erasmus Peace Solutions supports the Erasmus Project through advocacy, in its practical execution and in the international and educational dissemination of this Project: both formal and non-formal, for publics of all ages and of all professional, educational, social and cultural backgrounds.
The Erasmus Project proposes and offers an actualisation and renaissance of the cultural-historical values of Desiderius Erasmus, the ‘Prince of Humanists’, as narrative and framework for the European Union. The basis texts of the Erasmus Project exist in the article ‘The Erasmus Project: a Framework for Europe’, published in Diplomatic World 54 (October 2017), in the Policy Paper ‘The Republic of Erasmus: the EU as a Union of Values’ disseminated since March 2018 and in the article ‘The Dream of Erasmus: The Erasmus Project and Parliamentary Democracy inside the EU Institutional Framework’, published in Diplomatic World 61 (October 2019).
And the Institute for Erasmus Peace Solutions supports the Erasmus Peace Projects through advocacy, in their practical execution and in the international and educational dissemination of these Projects: both formal and non-formal, for publics of all ages and of all professional, educational, social and cultural backgrounds.
The Erasmus Peace Projects propose and offer an actualization and renaissance of the cultural-historical values of Desiderius Erasmus, the ‘Prince of Humanists’, as shared narrative and practical framework for the entire International Community, for Europe and the World. The basis text of the Erasmus Peace Projects exists in the article ‘The Erasmus Peace Projects and the Institute for Erasmus Peace Solutions’ published on the website of Diplomatic World since January 2019, in Diplomatic World 59 (March 2019) and on the website of the Institute since June 2019.
The Institute for Erasmus Peace Solutions also intends to offer a meeting and connecting forum to Officials of the European Institutions and the United Nations and their Agencies, for Ambassadors and Diplomats, for Civil Society Actors and Artists, for Entrepreneurs, for Thinkers and Writers, for Academics and Scholars, for Teachers and Educators of all kinds and for all kinds of publics, to reflect jointly about the relevance of updated Erasmian Values as narrative framework for Europe and the World.
Address: Louizalaan 146, 1050 Brussel, Belgium
Telephone: 0032497683995
Email Address: [email protected]
Website Address: www.new-renaissance.eu
PRISM monitors and boosts territorial development policies promoted by local and transnational bodies, acting as a qualified development agent since 2012; contributing to the enhancement of professional and entrepreneurial contexts and related actor-oriented competences in the field of educational cooperation and internationalization of practices.
The Social Enterprise promotes responsible and sustainable action-research for the validation of training systems and networking – therefore, planning and promoting tailored solutions for co-authored and shared development interventions. In this regard, PRISM represents a hub of co-planning and elaboration of ideas aimed at valorising and sharing the current social, cultural and economic resources and heritage.
The mission of PRISM is to create opportunities for the development of the areas where it operates, building on common challenges and strengths within different territorial contexts and relevant stakeholders.
Address: Via Falautano (Palazzo Grimaldi), 94100 – Enna, Italy
Web address: www.prismonline.eu
Mail address: [email protected]
Senior Europa, S.L. (Kveloce I+D+i)
K-veloce I+D+i is expert in managing the submission of proposals in the fields of ICT, energy, environment, transport, health and assisted living, tourism at the forefront of innovative developments within the industrial sector. K-veloce I+D+I is familiar with the evaluation process and criteria and has experience in working with the European Commission and other investment bodies to ensure that our proposals are aligned with the objectives of the funding institutions. Consultancy services: Kveloce I+D+i has more than 13 years of consolidated experience, offering a constantly updated service with a huge added value in the R&D&i fields. Our staff has more than 15 years of experience and we have more than 50 clients, public and private, Spanish and European. Our services are focused on the strategical counselling, the consecution of funding and resources and the implementation of complex R&D projects. We are an active member of different EU and international networks, providing relevant opportunities in reaching high performance consortia to answer the project needs, in order to obtain funding and deliver commercial added value and new exploitation opportunities. R&D Department We also participate as partners, even as coordinators, in several projects: that’s why we founded our own R&D Department in 2017, focused on our strategical areas: social impact bonds, circular economy, social studies and health communication, welfare and ageing, among others.
Address: St.Roger de Lauria 10, Valencia, Spain
Telephone: +34 963 25 02 93
Email Address: [email protected]
Website Address: www.kveloce.com
EUROTHON project collaborates with the New European Bauhaus Initiative by sharing ideals and objectives.